If you were wondering why Shadow the Hedgehog’s theme was in Generations, it was because SEGA was putting in ALL of the main theme songs into Generations. *Calms mind down* I just needed to let out some steam 🙂 If I were to guess who has the most fans next to Sonic and Tails, I would say Shadow. “SEGA should make a Shadow the Hedgehog 2!” (Many people said this, and i saw SO many likes for those comments.) “I hate Shadow” – (People said this, but oh well, haters gonna hate.) “EEEEEEEKK! I LOVE SHADOW! Thank you so much SEGA! – (Many said this) ” SHADOW IS GAY AS FUCK!! NOW IM NOT GETTING THIS GAME.” – ( 3 people said this, and yes i would remember because it saddened me.) “SHADOW IS IN THIS?!?! NOW I AM GETTING THIS GAME!” – (Many said this) “OMG SHADOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!” – (Many said this) In the Sonic Generations Dreamcast trailer, at the end when it showed Shadow, so many people in the comments said: If SEGA were to neer show Shadow again, you dont know how many buyers SEGA would lose. The majority chose Shadow, not Tails, not Knuckles, but SHADOW. Why do you think in 2004, an online poll was made for a spin-off game.
#Sonic cd soundtrack artist mod
A Sonic CD (2011) (SCD) Mod in the Script Mods category, submitted by. If you have nothing good to say, then don’t say anything at all. Use an original OST or make your own completely Custom Soundtrack for Sonic CD. Source: Famitsu (via – Shadow is a kick-ass character, I dont give a shit what you say. You can pre-order it now at the below retailers. The History of Sonic Music 20th Anniversary Edition album will be released in Japan December 7th 2011 for ¥3,500. I really loved the radical new direction.Item Name: HISTORY OF SONIC MUSIC 20th Anniversary EditionĬana Product Name: A History of Sonic Music 20th Anniversary Edition It’s a completely different vibe from other Sonic soundtracks at that point. I much prefer Nilsen’s Sonic CD soundtrack to the Japanese version. I may risk alienating all GoNintendo readers by saying this, but it has to be done.

Honestly, I’ve had hundreds of people tell me that they LOVE the score I wrote for that game, and I’m sure the Japanese version has tons of fans as well, so everybody wins in the end… as it should be! After all… IT’S ONLY A GAME!! I think the controversy surrounding the two versions of the game soundtrack were really blown out of proportion. I thought it would be a fun twist to have female voices supporting the gameplay as almost a subliminal hook. In that game we are introduced to new characters, including Sonic’s female counterpart Amy Rose, or Princess Sally as she was known in the US version. Adding the female vocalists (San Francisco jazz vocal trio Pastiche) to the project was an experiment that, by all indications, worked really well. My impression was that the American marketers at Sega Of America wanted something a little more musically rich and complex, along with a theme song that they might get some mileage out of, while trying to promote the game. They really represent two completely different musical philosophies and approaches. Spencer Nilsen: Yes, I’ve heard many different opinions about which score is better, but I think it’s a ridiculous argument. Why did Sega decide to rescore the game at the last minute? Sega-16: You undoubtedly know about the controversy the music for Sonic CD has spurred in many fans who really loved the original Japanese soundtrack. A portion of a Sega-16 interview with Spencer Nilsen, composer of the Sonic CD soundtrack…